Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wake up Call
From my birth up until the age of 7, a lady lived with my family named Amy Fosholm. I consider this woman to be my third grandmother. Anyways, she was a complete woman of God. She would spend a minimum of 4 hours a day praying and interceding for people. She is one of the kindest people on this earth.
I was looking for something this afternoon in my storage boxes and came across a box full of pictures and letters. Overall, it was a really great time to look back at my life and all of the great relationships I have made. Two letters completely knocked me in the face. They were both from my old friend, Amy. The first, was a letter she wrote to me when I was still in my mother's womb. It was pretty much a prophecy saying that the Lord is birthing someone in my mother that was going to reach all of the nations and be a great person of God. The second letter was a follow up letter she sent me when I was in high school. It told me to chase after God and spend time with him. It told me to ignore all of the little things and get in line with the pulse of Jesus.
It's hard to explain how both of these letters spoke to me, but I feel like something profound has happened today. I feel clarity like I have never felt. Additionally, I feel extremely screwed up. I feel like I have expended so much energy and thought on things that aren't in my master plan. Frankly, I don't know what the master plan is, but I know that I need to rise up in spiritual maturity. I know that I need to disregard the petty things that plague my world.
Recently, I blogged about my frustrations with being selfish. Those thoughts have not gone away. It is time for a global view. It is time to start truly caring. As much as I want it to be, this life is not my own.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
This is probably the hardest blog I have ever tried to articulate. I have been thinking it over for the past couple months, and I just need to get it out of my mind and written down. I am really starting to believe that I don’t adhere to any political party. The reason this is hard for me to say is because it seems like literally everyone around me is passionately conservative.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sun Kil Moon is way too good.
Whoa, I got this mobile blogging thing set up. That is what that picture is in the previous post. I am glad they finally released this feature.
I had a decent weekend. On Friday, my company hosted a holiday party. It was nice to get all dressed up and be “swank” for an evening. I will post a picture of my date and I later (Once I get the picture uploaded). On Saturday, I saw “Apocalypto”, the new Mel Gibson movie. It was spectacular. I was enthralled in the story all the way through. That evening, I went and watched Sean’s band Cameron at Bay. They killed it. By far the best band of the evening, I hope Sean and the guys keep plugging away at it, because they have a ton of potential. After the show I went to a lame party, and since I don’t drink much anymore, I pretty much just sat there and lurked..haha. Sunday, I went to church, Pastor Leech gave a great outline of the church’s vision. I am excited to be a part of Jubilee.
Monday, November 20, 2006
What will my soundtrack be for this period?
I have been super inspired by the band lately. Right now, it truly feels like we are weightless and limitless. I feel like we can dream as elaborate or as basic as we want. It’s so easy to get boxed into a niche. Sometimes we all need jolts to realign our dreams and actions. We have started experimenting with more electronic drums and patterns and it’s forcing us to think outside the box. So far, we have two great song starts.
Big things to come.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Crucified by Nails of Silence
Where do bands like this gather their inspiration? This music sounds so incredibly organic. To me, it sounds like I am listening directly into their souls. Needless to say, I am enjoying it.
I really want to work on my own personal writing. I think at this point, I am a good collaborator and I need to work on completing ideas. I started a progression this past weekend that could be something great if I get my stuff together. Time will tell?
I miss playing music with the guys really bad right now
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Getting Feeling Back
It’s been weird getting out of my normal Sunday mindset. In the past, I was used to getting up at 6am, getting to church at 7am to set everything up, doing the service, eating some lunch and doing another evening service. Now that the church is over I feel totally different on Sundays. I started working out again, and I came to the conclusion that I can work out on Sunday mornings now before church. So weird….
Top Albums of 2006
Devics – Push the Heart : Very elegant sounding female fronted indie. I love putting this album on when I am in a mellow mood.
This Will Destroy You – Young Mountain : One of the best debuts I have ever heard. There are obvious comparisons to Explosions in the Sky, but I really think they have created a mature album that holds it’s own weight. I can’t wait for this to come out on vinyl.
Envy – Insomniac Doze : Very stunning album combining influences from screamo and post-rock. Very original and intense. Japan produces some stellar bands.
Jeremy Enigk – World Waits : To answer your question, yes he still has it! This is Jeremy’s second solo album. His first was Return to the Frog Queen back in the mid to late 90s. If you are looking for another Frog Queen, you will be disappointed. I would call this a continuation of his work with the Fire Theft. Enough rambling, so buy it NOW!
Anathallo – Floating World : I can’t say enough good things about this band. It is so good to hear an extremely innovative Christian band that thinks outside of the box. I am going to go see them tomorrow night, and can’t wait.
Gregor samsa – 55:12 : Probably one of the most relaxing albums of the year. It definitely keeps it’s intensity though. This band can have my babies.
Thom Yorke – The Eraser : I wonder why this album is so good? Oh wait, EFFIN IT’S THOM YORKE! Everything from the album artwork to the music is top notch.
Tom Petty – Highway Companion : It’s Tom Petty, `nuff said.
Planes Mistaken for Stars – Mercy : I know this album was met with some criticism for the new direction in recording quality and song writing, but I happen to love it. Very passionate album from what I consider to be standards in the emo/indie scene.
Jesu – Silver : Spacey, dreamy, heavy, and sexy are all words to describe this follow up to last year’s self titled album.
Old Crow Medicine Show – Big Iron World : I would say this album started my on a path to check out different musical styles. If you are into blue grass, check these guys out now. Actually, check them out even if bluegrass isn’t your thing.
Mewithoutyou – Brother, Sister : Kind of an odd choice for top albums since I am usually not a big fan of Tooth and Nail’s catalog. This band, however, is simply undeniable. They progress with every album. All of the collaboration on this album really gives the listener an organic feel.
Clogs – Lantern : I would say this album went under the radar in a lot of ways. I was lucky enough to stumble upon it from this jazz website I was checking out. Very experimental music from classically trained musicians.
These Arms are Snakes – Easter : This band can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. Botch would be proud?
Bonnie “Prince” Billy – The Letting Go : I just came across this artist this year. (I feel so behind!) One of the best songwriters of our time, and I think he has many more years of memorable songs ahead of him.
Mogwai – Mr. Beast : I got the lovely opportunity of catching them on tour while supporting this album. One of the biggest sounding bands I have ever heard. I hope they keep playing for decades upon decades.
The Album Leaf – Into the Blue Again : I would call this a natural follow up to their previous works. Very solid and listenable.
Sparrows Swarm and Sing – O`Shenandoah, Mighty Death… : Godspeed 2.0? I kid, I kid. Very solid album that really paints some great imagery. Magic Bullet has had a great year concerning releases.
Bob Dylan – Modern Times : Of course the old man still has it. I am honestly a fan of how his voice is aging. This album keeps my interest throughout the whole thing.
Calexico – Garden Ruin : I have listened to this album far too much. Such fabulous song writing.
David Bazan – Fewer Moving Parts : His first album post-Pedro. Great album, however I really look forward to what else he has ahead of him.
Lakes – Photographs : I think this ep is defined by the melody making. Truly catchy, addictive music.
Muse – Black Holes and Revelations : This album seemed like a big middle finger to the music industry. To me, it just sounds like they do whatever-the hell-they want. Catchy music that is heavy to boot.
Priestess – Hello Master : Whoa! Where did these guys come from? Professional musicianship combined with badass rock and roll. How can you go wrong?
Rocky Votolato – Makers : I would classify this follow up as dark and oblique. I think it’s a great progression for Rocky.
Yo La Tengo – I am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass : I am pretty sure they don’t know how to write a bad album.
Wovenhand – Mosiac : I am so proud of the fact that these guys are from Colorado. Extremely spiritual, layered, well thought music.
Amy Millan – Honey From the Tombs : From Stars to Broken Social Scene, Amy has been a key to great albums. This solo album lives up to her reputation.
Kayo Dot – Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue : It’s ironic that these guys will mostly never see commercial success. This is some of the most talented and organic music I have ever listened to.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Goth or Witch?
So…Happy Halloween!?
I think today I will listen to all of my Oasis cds.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Everything in life is currently changing, I lost my church family, my drummer left the band for uncontrollable reasons (I love him!), and I am living in a new place. I have been completely numb, literally not caring about anything. To go along with this attitude I decided it would be a good idea to get drunk on Saturday night. I wasn’t going to over-do it, but when the opportunity was there, I took it.
I felt horrible the next day, both physically and spiritually. I went to the 11 o`clock service at Jubilee and Pastor Leech’s words hit me like a brick in the face. The central theme of his message was that heart changes don’t occur until you fill that void you are trying to change with something better. (Obviously that is a gross over-simplification of his sermon) I left feeling inspired.
Later that evening I went to “Pathways Church” in the Washington Park area. The sermon was about communication with God and prayer. At the end, there was time for worship and prayer. I sat there in silence and I could hear the definite words of God speaking to me so quietly and softly. I honestly felt so enlightened afterwards. I woke up today with a smile on my face. I feel so inspired by life and in tune with God.
Needless to say, I was smacked in the face this weekend. It feels like no matter how stupid I am, God refuses to let me go. Obviously, I cannot take advantage of His grace, but at the same time, His love completely overwhelms me. It is time for me to take a walk down that desolate/desert road that they talk about in Acts 8. Perhaps God has his own version of the rich Ethiopian for me to come across.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Constant Rotation Called Life.
Anyhoo, my church just had its last service ever on Sunday. (I found out about it 4 days prior!). I guess I am kind of in shock still. I will be attending Jubilee on Sunday. I really enjoy Leech`s preaching. Hopefully I find a new community to call home soon.
Tonight=Bottle of Wine, Cigar, and possibly a movie.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Eat Up, Drink Up
And as much as I hate pills and plans,
I guess I’d tend to agree.
You see we get through this life,
We eat, we sleep, we die,
But someday I’d like to look at my wife,
And say we lived without a lie.
Drink up drink up, from this bitter cup.
Eat up, eat up, and swallow it all down.
Once the taste sets in, spit it out with glee,
And realize there is more for you and for me.
When my skin is all cracked and dry,
And darkness is setting in.
I hope that each of my closest kin,
Look down on my body.
They will say:
He will rest in His peace, because he lived in His plan,
And the vultures will have rest tonight for this is sacred land.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Lessons in Love
Anyhoo, lately, I have felt really excited about life. I have decided that no matter what comes my way, happiness is a choice. Of course it’s a lot harder when hardship is looking you straight in the eye. The bottom line is, everyone has problems of varying degrees.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, not gotten through. I know, I know, I sound like a motivational speaker or something, but it’s true. It seems like we walk through life trying to get from one place to the next, and never really enjoy the ride. Sometimes I think walking in love means taking a step back and truly counting your blessings. Just look around for a second and gaze at all of the beauty around you. God’s way of saying He loves and cares for us. For me it serves as encouragement to press on in this trail of life.
Anyway, short but sweet. Love you all.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
random poem
And a bitter tasting tounge
You beat his head into the ground
And claim what god to you bestowed.
With that flame behind your eyes,
You take and take and take and take
On the constant quest for more,
You eat a starving child’s meal.
Is this the world of which we are born?
All calloused, rotten and hard?
I try and try and try to walk in love,
But I am not entirely sure what that means.
Rhythms and patterns, zeros and ones,
You became flesh and showed what is love,
Anguish unsaid, Debts unpaid.
You made the wine and we drank your blood.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
This Zombi is Anything but Alive
The past few months I have gone through ups and downs, but I think I have really learned some things through the valleys I have walked through. The most important thing I have discovered is that I truly needs stimulus, whether it be for my soul, spirit, or body. I cannot go on in this numb state where I ignore life, because I will tell you right now, when it all catches up with you, its worth that death. Sometimes, I think we as humans naturally lean towards the middle path, the mediocre way. Life comes from challenge, not zombie-living.
To put this all together, lately, I have been reading my bible, listening to sermons on my iPod, and worshiping God. Let me tell you, this has lead to a fullness of life like I have never experienced before. I used to look at these types of things as secondary, “When I have time, I will pursue it harder”, I have since discovered that life is in these practices. God placed these communication methods in our lives so that we could truly breath, because the alternative is a stagnant comma-state of a life.
I will fully admit that I still stumble, and life isn’t necessarily easy just because I communicate with God and pursue His things. I will say, however, that the application of your spirituality will do wonders for your self-esteem, and bring everything into perspective.
Lord, I love you so much. I want to pursue you in EVERYTHING. I am tired and weak, and I truly need your touch. I pray that you would help my in my pursuit of You, guide me and bring revelation. I do not want to be a zombie-Christian that does through life settling for the mediocre, never living up to the promises You have made.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
<3 you all.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Between Christian Rock and a Hard Place
I just find it interesting how three-dimensional it is. There are the obvious things that stick out like genre, tone, recording quality, and subject matter. What I find interesting however is that all of these things can add these underlying ideas and emotions. For instance, when I listen to Sufjan Stevens vs. Jose Gonzalez, they are fairly similar aesthetically. They are both indie-folk singer-songwriters. However, when I listen to Jose I get a much bigger sense of originality. It feels like he is truly engrossed in the art he is creating rather than just trying to evoke a certain mood. I LOVE Stevens, I am just stating differences. Through Jose’s whispery voice I hear intensity and conviction.
Anyway, I started a new blog for album reviews and another one for my short stories and other miscellaneous writings. Check them out if you wish:
(Isn’t weird that I made a post that doesn’t have to do with Christianity?)
Friday, April 07, 2006
Oh god do what you can to annoint my head
In some ways, I think our spiritual life is like this. We go through times of sadness and weakness. But honestly, I think that making it through those times is the most rewarding/refreshing experiences. I don’t think that beauty after a storm would be as amazing without the storm itself happening.
This sounds like something I would have learned as a child in Sunday school, but I can say that I haven’t learned it in my heart yet. I am getting there though, and I really am trying to place my trust in God. I may not know the master plan, but I do know that God has a way of expressing himself that we can’t comprehend, and it’s the most beautiful thing ever.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
How Great Thou Art
Friday, March 17, 2006
I am weak, but He is strong
In other news, I am completely moved into my place in Castle Pines North. It is SOOO nice. I am super pumped on it all. Everyone should come visit me.
I just read the funniest argument on hxcboards between a vegan guy and other people. Funny stuff.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
We Will Survive
So I started reading a new book called New Kind of Christian. I am only 4 chapters in, but I have found it super stimulating and interesting. So far, the book is about how our society is transitioning from the modern world to the post-modern world. To sum up what I have read so far, it is about the fact that modern Christianity is clinging on to the foundations they laid in the modern world, while everything else is progressing. In other words, the Church is losing relevancy because it laid too much foundation in our surroundings and environment. I am paraphrasing like no other, but I hope the point is coming through clear. Anyway, the book is really opening my eyes to the reasons that I am a Christian. After thought, the main reason I am a Christian is that I have a relationship with a living, breathing God. It is so easy to limit God to our surroundings, but He is so much bigger than that. Maybe it is just human nature, but I think we need to get over ourselves. I have heard a lot of concern regarding future generations and their relevance to God. Personally, I feel very optimistic. I think our societal changes are going to force a re-evaluation of our Western/European view on God.
Anyway, on a personal note, I am moving this Saturday. I am so excited about it. I will finally have my own spot to study/keep clean/sleep in/ yada. I have been a nomad for a while now and it sucks. Although I can honestly say I think it has been good for me. I don’t have a dependency on home. Which I think is going to be crucial when I move into missions. Anyway, if you are my friend, and reading this, you should come check it out.
Monday, January 30, 2006
there is no easy path
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Simply Complex
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
”hypothesis” or prove our own point. I think if you read through the Bible without this mindset, you will find a different story. From Moses to Paul, everyone communicated heart felt, poetic stories of a true relationship with God. I really think that there is an underlying language in the Bible. It is one of relationship and acceptance. To be 100% honest, I myself am still digesting all of this. I just wanted to throw out what is going on in my head currently.