Friday, August 03, 2007

Women and Children First.

I am sitting here at my new desk, listening to Kid A on headphones and writing my first blog in a long time! I am sorry for my lack of contribution to this thing, but oh well, that is all in the past, right?

The job is going really well. This is my first week on the real sales floor. My mind has been flooded with information, and it’s hard to sleep at night when my brain is still running at a million miles per hour. I couldn’t be more grateful for this job. I feel invigorated and at home here. Everyone is very nice and fairly drama-free.

Caleb and I are going to the Red Rocks Amphitheatre to see Ryan Adams tonight. I am very excited! I have only recently gotten into Adams (I know, I’m behind!). His new album, Easy Tiger, has been in constant rotation for me since it came out.

Speaking of Caleb, he is back in town for a month or so. He has been working for his dad and a lawn care company to save up some money. He is staying in Dave and my apartment, and it has been great! I missed that little bugger, so it’s cool having him around.

I have been really anxious to write lately. I want to get together with Mark and get some stuff down. I really think there is too much material in us to just be content in not writing. At this point, I couldn’t care less about recording, gear or surroundings. I just want to sit down with an instrument and make some art.

1 comment:

The Hosh said...

I want you to make art.

Lots of it.