Thursday, August 30, 2007
New to it all...
I had the privilege of going to Rose Medical Center last night and holding the smallest human being my arms have ever held! Jonas and Tiffany had their beautiful little girl at 2am yesterday morning. Isabella is gorgeous and perfect, and she has her Uncle Mark’s hook toe! I am really excited to see her grow up and become a wonderful woman. Christian and Taylor are going to have their work cut out for them, they need to get her caught up on wedgie wars, wii tennis and sparkler bombs!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today was the first day in over a week I haven’t ridden the RTD Light-rail into work and biked. It was weird making it to work in 20 minutes in my car, I feel like a slacker. Don’t fear though, I will be hitting the gym over my lunch break, so all is not lost!
Last night, I went to a small group bible study. It was really interesting. I have never really gone to anything like that without knowing anyone in the group. I walked into the person’s house and literally knew no one. I think it was good for me to step out of my comfort zone and meet some different kind of people. The study is going through the book of Matthew and discussing it. We did chapters 1-2 last night, so it was nice joining the group as they were starting a new book.
I have to say, this new healthy lifestyle feels really really good!
Last night, I went to a small group bible study. It was really interesting. I have never really gone to anything like that without knowing anyone in the group. I walked into the person’s house and literally knew no one. I think it was good for me to step out of my comfort zone and meet some different kind of people. The study is going through the book of Matthew and discussing it. We did chapters 1-2 last night, so it was nice joining the group as they were starting a new book.
I have to say, this new healthy lifestyle feels really really good!
Friday, August 17, 2007
I am almost done with my first week of healthy living! I have been eating all natural, healthy foods. I have also been biking into work on my new fixed gear bicycle that I got off craigslist for $75! (see picture below). Next week, I am going to start working out in our company gym over lunch breaks. It feels really good being healthy. I am not even looking at it as a “diet”, it’s just the new me. I am excited to start going up into the mountains and hiking more.
I have felt really quiet and reserved lately for some reason. I am not sure why. I have been perfectly happy and content, just not as “out there” as I usually am for some reason. I am completely fine with this.
I think Mark, Hoshi and I are hanging tonight. Ruckus will ensue.
I have felt really quiet and reserved lately for some reason. I am not sure why. I have been perfectly happy and content, just not as “out there” as I usually am for some reason. I am completely fine with this.
I think Mark, Hoshi and I are hanging tonight. Ruckus will ensue.

Friday, August 10, 2007
Interesting post from Hxcboards
"Mark 1035Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. "Teacher," they said, "we want you to do for us whatever we ask."36"What do you want me to do for you?" he asked.37They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory."38"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"39"We can," they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, 40but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared."41When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. 42Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 43Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
This narrative occurs in the same chapter where Jesus had encountered the rich young ruler who wanted to know the way to eternal life. At this point, James and John had still misunderstood what Jesus' entire ministry was about. They were still looking for greatness and recognition, but as He responded to them rightfully "you don't know what you are asking." There is a special significance here. At this point of the Markan story (indeed, up until the end itself), the disciples had not managed to grasp exactly what sort of fate awaited Jesus and those who followed Him. They had only recently recognised that He was the Messiah (Chapter 8), but were probably still stuck in the Jewish idea that He would be exalted in the nation and taken in glory. James and John request to be at His "left and right." What they didn't know, however, was that the people who were going to be on Jesus' "left and right" were the thieves/insurrectionists crucified with Him. His followers still hadn't understood at this point what the cost of their discipleship was, nor what was the way of it. As He tells them at the end of this narrative, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."What this implies, within the context of the passage, is that true greatness is found in servitude. Very similarly to Jesus' encounter with the rich man in the same chapter, this is a lesson that one must be prepared to give up everything for the sake of others in order to find true riches. Even after Jesus had told them of how nigh-impossible it is for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, His disciples were still seeking greatness and power. What they needed to learn (and what many of us still need to learn today) is that true power is not found in seeking the kind of greatness the world knows, the kind of greatness found amongst lords and rulers, but rather it lies in servitude. Jesus links His "ransom," His sacrifice, to exactly that which He expects of His followers; to lay down everything for the service of all humanity. This is at the heart of revolutionary Christianity; that all humanity is our master and also our slave. How is that for egalitarianism?And of course, we get the spiritual aspect of this teaching once again, since Jesus relates it to His crucifixion and His own service to the whole of mankind. Once again, the social ethic remains inseparable from the spiritual ethic.
This narrative occurs in the same chapter where Jesus had encountered the rich young ruler who wanted to know the way to eternal life. At this point, James and John had still misunderstood what Jesus' entire ministry was about. They were still looking for greatness and recognition, but as He responded to them rightfully "you don't know what you are asking." There is a special significance here. At this point of the Markan story (indeed, up until the end itself), the disciples had not managed to grasp exactly what sort of fate awaited Jesus and those who followed Him. They had only recently recognised that He was the Messiah (Chapter 8), but were probably still stuck in the Jewish idea that He would be exalted in the nation and taken in glory. James and John request to be at His "left and right." What they didn't know, however, was that the people who were going to be on Jesus' "left and right" were the thieves/insurrectionists crucified with Him. His followers still hadn't understood at this point what the cost of their discipleship was, nor what was the way of it. As He tells them at the end of this narrative, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."What this implies, within the context of the passage, is that true greatness is found in servitude. Very similarly to Jesus' encounter with the rich man in the same chapter, this is a lesson that one must be prepared to give up everything for the sake of others in order to find true riches. Even after Jesus had told them of how nigh-impossible it is for the wealthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, His disciples were still seeking greatness and power. What they needed to learn (and what many of us still need to learn today) is that true power is not found in seeking the kind of greatness the world knows, the kind of greatness found amongst lords and rulers, but rather it lies in servitude. Jesus links His "ransom," His sacrifice, to exactly that which He expects of His followers; to lay down everything for the service of all humanity. This is at the heart of revolutionary Christianity; that all humanity is our master and also our slave. How is that for egalitarianism?And of course, we get the spiritual aspect of this teaching once again, since Jesus relates it to His crucifixion and His own service to the whole of mankind. Once again, the social ethic remains inseparable from the spiritual ethic.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Eat Your Heart Out, Paris
As I was lying in bed last night, I was tossing and turning. My thoughts were racing through my head like a chase scene in James Bond. The feeling of discontent was sinking and sinking in my skin. I think the time has finally come to “detoxify” myself in the spiritual, relational, and physical sense. I feel like I constantly stuff my self with the un-needed. Like a Thanksgiving turkey, I’m bursting at the seems with no direction. I feel like in many ways, I have lost sight of my goals, so it’s time to strip back and gain focus.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Women and Children First.
I am sitting here at my new desk, listening to Kid A on headphones and writing my first blog in a long time! I am sorry for my lack of contribution to this thing, but oh well, that is all in the past, right?
The job is going really well. This is my first week on the real sales floor. My mind has been flooded with information, and it’s hard to sleep at night when my brain is still running at a million miles per hour. I couldn’t be more grateful for this job. I feel invigorated and at home here. Everyone is very nice and fairly drama-free.
Caleb and I are going to the Red Rocks Amphitheatre to see Ryan Adams tonight. I am very excited! I have only recently gotten into Adams (I know, I’m behind!). His new album, Easy Tiger, has been in constant rotation for me since it came out.
Speaking of Caleb, he is back in town for a month or so. He has been working for his dad and a lawn care company to save up some money. He is staying in Dave and my apartment, and it has been great! I missed that little bugger, so it’s cool having him around.
I have been really anxious to write lately. I want to get together with Mark and get some stuff down. I really think there is too much material in us to just be content in not writing. At this point, I couldn’t care less about recording, gear or surroundings. I just want to sit down with an instrument and make some art.
The job is going really well. This is my first week on the real sales floor. My mind has been flooded with information, and it’s hard to sleep at night when my brain is still running at a million miles per hour. I couldn’t be more grateful for this job. I feel invigorated and at home here. Everyone is very nice and fairly drama-free.
Caleb and I are going to the Red Rocks Amphitheatre to see Ryan Adams tonight. I am very excited! I have only recently gotten into Adams (I know, I’m behind!). His new album, Easy Tiger, has been in constant rotation for me since it came out.
Speaking of Caleb, he is back in town for a month or so. He has been working for his dad and a lawn care company to save up some money. He is staying in Dave and my apartment, and it has been great! I missed that little bugger, so it’s cool having him around.
I have been really anxious to write lately. I want to get together with Mark and get some stuff down. I really think there is too much material in us to just be content in not writing. At this point, I couldn’t care less about recording, gear or surroundings. I just want to sit down with an instrument and make some art.
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