Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dead Format.

My obsession with vinyl seems to never cease. There is just something about opening an LP for the first time and looking at the oversized twelve by twelve artwork that is satisfying. From the first crackle of the needle touching the grooves, to the sound of the tone arm moving back into its return position, the process of listening to a record is unlike any other format. There is something about vinyl that commands your attention. When I put a record on, I feel the need to focus on what I am listening to. Collecting records makes me feel like a little boy again. It makes me feel like I am vesting stock into rock and roll history and truly supporting the art. To put it simply, records are just timeless and classy.

Today, I ordered the one record I have been wanting for the past 3 years: Jimmy Eat World’s Clarity 2x12LP. This is my all time favorite recording and not I finally own it in analog format. This particular record has never been repressed. It came in several different color combinations, the one I got is grey marble. Even cooler, the packaging is still sealed, so it’s like I am back in 1999 buying it from my local store. Anyways, tickle me pink.

I need to update my recordnerd account, but if you want to check out my collection, here is the link:

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