Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'll Meet You in the Ground

I hopped in bed at about 9 last night and continued reading On the Road for about an hour and a half. That book is so incredibly easy to read. It’s like the pages turn themselves as you are reading about Sal’s journeys.

After reading, I thought of a cool idea. I am going to start a poem in my new my moleskin where I only write one line a day. I’m sure by the end of the poem it’s not going to make a whole lot of sense, but I feel like I have one sentence that describes my thoughts every day. We’ll see how it turns out.

I notice that when I force myself to write and process my thoughts, everything seems much clearer. Obviously, blogging is a great outlet, but I think it’s also important to have a personal journal where you can write whatever you want with no censorship.

Anyway, thanks to Mark and Judi for the nice pen and moleskin, and to Bone for the sweet lighter so I can smoke my pipe as I write ;)


JudiFree.com said...

YEAH for Josh and his new pen! I agree about writing for yourself - it's amazing what writing can do

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