Tuesday, March 04, 2008

He has spoken

[10:05] Jonas: eff bloggginggggggggggggg
[10:05] Madison Prep: yea but your blogs are always good to read
[10:05] Madison Prep: so keep it up biotch
[10:06] Jonas: my blog is for fun not to earn your political vote whore!
[10:12] Madison Prep: ead
[10:12] Madison Prep: there are no politics
[10:12] Madison Prep: you are the don
[10:12] Madison Prep: and that's that.
[10:12] Jonas: fair


BONE said...

is nothing sacred?!?

JudiFree.com said...

HA! I love it.

JudiFree.com said...

HA! I love it.