Monday, September 10, 2007

My bike is done!

So this past month or so, I have been obsessed with researching and looking for bike stuff on Craig's List. I finally got everything together I need and assembled it all this weekend. Enjoy:

Specs (in general terms):

1985(ish) Trek Road frame, 54cm (ish)

Vuelta XRP Team Superlight Wheel Set

Formula Hub

Brooks Saddle

This thing has been a blast to ride. I went approximately 10 miles on saturday and 5 yesterday. Since I ride my bike to work every day, it's nice having a fast bike that is sweet looking and comfy. It was such a sense of accomplishment when I put it all together and troubleshooted. This is just another tool in my weight loss / healthy lifestyle!


hope in the sky said...

I like itt

hope in the sky said...

this is timothy btw