Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Goth or Witch?

Today on my way into work, I saw this girl waiting on the side of the road for the bus. I thought she was one of those annoying goth girls, then I remembered it’s Halloween today!

So…Happy Halloween!?

I think today I will listen to all of my Oasis cds.

Monday, October 30, 2006


I think I had an awakening yesterday. Backstory:

Everything in life is currently changing, I lost my church family, my drummer left the band for uncontrollable reasons (I love him!), and I am living in a new place. I have been completely numb, literally not caring about anything. To go along with this attitude I decided it would be a good idea to get drunk on Saturday night. I wasn’t going to over-do it, but when the opportunity was there, I took it.

I felt horrible the next day, both physically and spiritually. I went to the 11 o`clock service at Jubilee and Pastor Leech’s words hit me like a brick in the face. The central theme of his message was that heart changes don’t occur until you fill that void you are trying to change with something better. (Obviously that is a gross over-simplification of his sermon) I left feeling inspired.

Later that evening I went to “Pathways Church” in the Washington Park area. The sermon was about communication with God and prayer. At the end, there was time for worship and prayer. I sat there in silence and I could hear the definite words of God speaking to me so quietly and softly. I honestly felt so enlightened afterwards. I woke up today with a smile on my face. I feel so inspired by life and in tune with God.

Needless to say, I was smacked in the face this weekend. It feels like no matter how stupid I am, God refuses to let me go. Obviously, I cannot take advantage of His grace, but at the same time, His love completely overwhelms me. It is time for me to take a walk down that desolate/desert road that they talk about in Acts 8. Perhaps God has his own version of the rich Ethiopian for me to come across.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Constant Rotation Called Life.

Wow. What a crazy past 2 weeks. Change, change, change. I am trying to figure out if I am just numb to it all or coping. The later of the two is becoming more probable. This, in my opinion, is a very good thing. The future is quite uncertain, but I am really excited about it. I love the fact that I can technically do anything I want. Maybe that is a selfish viewpoint, but it doesn’t really change the way I feel.

Anyhoo, my church just had its last service ever on Sunday. (I found out about it 4 days prior!). I guess I am kind of in shock still. I will be attending Jubilee on Sunday. I really enjoy Leech`s preaching. Hopefully I find a new community to call home soon.

Tonight=Bottle of Wine, Cigar, and possibly a movie.