On Monday, I went into the little café next door to my office, and the snow was just pouring down. It was really surreal, because the snow was dumping down, but none of it was sticking. It felt chaotic to me and invigorating.
So I was hanging out at my church last night, and DJ, our worship leader approached me about playing bass this weekend for all 4 main services. I agreed, and we had practice. It was really interesting playing with in-ear monitoring, I have never done it before, and it was a nice luxury! The coolest part about the whole ordeal was this: I get to play a 1964 Fender P-bass! This is pretty much my dream guitar, and the guy who owns it was completely happy to let me use it for practice and the services. The bass played like a dream. It is heavily modded, but that vintage mojo is still there. I am really excited to play in front of thousands of people this weekend!
Last night, Caleb and I watched High Fidelity, Made dinner, and ate the best ice-cream on earth. Seriously, why haven't people thought to make carrot cake flavored ice-cream sooner? I am pretty sure this stuff is going to take over the world.
PS - High Fidelity is the best movie of all time!
It is a wet, overcast, dreary day outside today. I drove into work this morning listening to
We got all moved in yesterday! What a task! I am so sore today it’s unreal. We should be all unpacked and settled in by the weekend. I am so excited to be living downtown. I love the atmosphere. I will post pictures of our apartment as soon as it’s all set up.
I think my favorite lunch breaks are when Jonas and I go to the Robusto Room. It is so relaxing to just sit there in the nice leather couches and enjoy a stogie.
Well, these past few weeks have been insanely busy. Dave and I will be officially moved into our new place on Wednesday this week. I am very excited to be in the new apartment. Once we get settled in, and life is less crazy, I plan on watching all three seasons of Arrested Development because I miss that show!